Cardinial Civil Contracting
Safety is a Commitment

At Cardinal Civil Contracting we are focused and committed to the safety of each and every employee. Safety is a key component of our culture, and we take a proactive approach in preventing safety issues.

Safety is a Core Value of Cardinal Civil

At Cardinal Civil Contracting, safety is our top priority as well as one of our core values. We’ve created a culture of safety across the company, and reaching down to the individual level. We are continually investing in improvements and leveraging technology for training and education. When our employees see a safety issue, we openly encourage them to bring it forward, it’s a learning opportunity to improve, which creates a safer working environment for all. In the long run, the benefits far outweigh the effort needed to implement a continuous safety environment and culture.

Have You Seen Workspace Safety Misconduct?

  • Call:  (919) 324-1964 or fill out the form and an associate will get back to you

Your comments and concerns will be addressed quickly and professionally.

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